30 Day Coach❤️Theah Primal & Low Carb Challenge

❤️ The first week is about "going Primal"
❤️ Today we will focus on on avoiding grains
❤️ Avoid having "unsupportive" foods around
❤️ Follow the 5 Healthy Habits to live by...
Seems easy....right?
Grains: What to quit & Why
❤️ Keep in mind, supportive foods move you closer to your health goals
❤️ Unsupportive foods can impair your progress.
❤️ My top items to avoid to get healthy, quit smoking, seed oils, and stop eating grains
🛑~STOP~ Yes, they really are that bad!
🚫Grains provide little by way of nutrition, especially compared to meat and produce.
🚫There is no need for grains in your diet
🚫Grains contain substances that contribute to poor gut health, autoimmune disorders, and other health problems.
🚫Gluten is probably the most well-known and egregious, but other compounds like lectins are problematic for many people.
🚫Grains are high in carbohydrates. Therefore, grain-based foods are poor choices for people with glucose (blood sugar) issues, chronically high insulin, insulin resistance, and other metabolic diseases.
~You are ALLOWED to eat whatever you want~
❤️ You are CHOOSING foods that are consistent with your goals ❤️
❤️I recommend a total elimination of grains from your diet for this 30 days. Many people notice an immediate improvement in digestive symptoms like bloating, skin issues, joint pain, fatigue, and much more. Pay attention to any chronic or recurring symptoms you’ve been struggling with and see if you notice a difference!
Supportive foods:
❤️ Protein: meat, poultry, fish, eggs
❤️ Plants: Leafy greens, plentiful of vegetables
❤️ Healthy fats (organic dairy, avocado oil, olive oil) etc..
❤️ Dairy - if tolerated
❤️ Nuts in moderation
Pantry Purge Grains: Here is what you need to do away with:
🚫Wheat, rye, barley, spelt, millet, bulgur, amaranth, couscous.
🚫Rice, oats
🚫Products made with wheat or grain-based flours, including: Bread and baked goods
🚫Tortillas, muffins, pastries, scones, bagels, cake, cookies
🚫Snack foods (chips, pretzels, popcorn, crackers)
🚫 Pasta, noodles, Pizza
🚫 Breakfast cereal, pancakes, waffles
If this feels daunting, don’t worry. Revisit your shopping list from yesterday to remind yourself how many delicious food options you WILL be eating. The upcoming weeks are dedicated to helping you adjust smoothly.

Today's Activity:
❤️Choose Supportive Foods
❤️Pantry Purge Grains
❤️Go for a walk
❤️ Do something fun that you love
Today's Workout: Walking
❤️ Walk for 22 minutes after lunch or evening
❤️ Increase the # of steps by 10% from the previous day
❤️ Walking includes shopping, grocery shopping etc..
❤️ Walk the dog, catch up with your children or walk with a neighbor or friend
Today's Recipe: Keto Sandwich Roll-ups

❤️ Start your day with some protein - eggs, sausage, ham, bacon
❤️ Protein & fat in the AM will help control hunger and cravings later in the day
❤️ Coffee with heavy cream, a TSP of butter, or some monk fruit, stevia is fine
if you IF (Intermittent fast) and skip breakfast, your first meal should still be focused on protein.
Program FAQ’s
❓Can the entire family participate? Yes, the primal food list provides a variety of foods that will keep even kids satisfied
❓Can you do Intermitting fasting? Yes, if you are currently fasting and are comfortable, you can maintain your schedule
❓ How much weight can I lose? Depending on your current weight and weight loss goals average weight-loss is 20 lbs
❓Can I workout on the plan? Of course, I always recommend daily movement, this will help you keep cravings at bay and
❓ How many carbs can I consume in the first week? 20 grams of carbs per day in the first week. This will enable you to get into fat burning faster
❓Can I have coffee? Yes, with cream, coconut cream, butter, almond milk or other nut butters… No, to sugar. You can use Monk Fruit and or Stevia. .
❓Can I have sweeteners? Yes, using monk fruit, stevia, erythritol, vanilla and or maple extracts can be used in moderation
❓Can I get electrolytes to avoid cramping and headaches? Yes, here are my favorite - LMNT Salt, Ultima Electrolytes or just drink pickle juice, add potassium and a magnesium supplements. Check out my blog post on “Supplements I recommend for everyone”
❤️DISCLAIMER: Please always check with your primary health care provider before starting any supplement regime. More importantly, it is critical to monitor your numbers and levels of which you are on medication for insulin, thyroid medication, blood pressure, whatever it may be. With this diet and specific supplements, you begin to heal and you may over time be able to reduce or eliminate the need for certain medications. ❤️